Wednesday, October 26, 2016

High-Definition Videoconferencing: Making Things Simple for Paralegals, Legal Assistants and Attorneys

A deposition in Chicago in the middle of January, everyone flying in from all over the country and the weather outside is frightful – or at least it could be. That means weather delays, travel hassles and all-around yuckiness. You could schedule the deposition, cross your fingers and hope that it all works out, or you could try Plan B. Videoconferencing. Goodbye travel woes and much easier to cancel than planes, trains and automobiles if the weather is dreadful.

Even if weather isn’t a factor, no one needs to be reminded of the time-sucking, exhausting, and sometimes scary nature of traveling for business. So go for that Plan B. Schedule a videoconference. Everything is simple.

There are two ways you can do this. One way is to use a free service such as Skype or Go-To-Meeting using a webcam. Another way is to use a facility that has dedicated high-definition videoconference equipment installed in a conference room.

Using a free service can be tricky. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Audio quality and video quality can be annoying and the webcam usually can only view one person. Not so simple and more than a little frustrating.

With a dedicated high-definition videoconference facility not only will you have a reliable, quality audio and video experience, the camera can view everyone in the conference room.  And there will be technical staff available to make sure the conference goes smoothly. That makes everything easier.

You can use high-definition videoconferencing for more than just depositions. What about job interviews, remote staff training, preparation meetings with expert or lay witnesses or even board meetings? Whenever there is travel involved, videoconferencing can solve a lot of challenges.

And here’s how things get even simpler. Just give us a call and we’ll make all the arrangements. With high-definition videoconference equipment in our Harrisburg and York, Pennsylvania offices as well as networking arrangements with other conference facilities across the country and worldwide, we can schedule a videoconference anywhere. Simple and Easy.